The days leading up to the PhD submission are stressful for every candidate. You have been waiting for this day for a few years, and it is natural to feel stressed and exhausted at the end of the long journey. However, candidates seeking assistance from PhD dissertation writing services would be at a better place during the submission of their thesis compared to the rest. Still, there are a few points you need to check before the formal submission of your thesis to make sure that everything is in order.
The steps below describe how a candidate needs to prepare for thesis submission:
General Instructions:
The thesis should be a scholarly and organized account of original research work and should include problems correlated to the facts that already exist. Furthermore, the work should demonstrate high-quality research and make a well-defined contribution to knowledge advancement. Naturally, the research scholar’s ability to conduct sustained research and compile the findings appropriately is imperative for every candidate waiting to be awarded a PhD degree. No wonder a majority of students in India seek assistance from thesis writing services in Delhi to ensure that the thesis has no flaws and is accomplished in every way. So, let us find out what the steps are to make the thesis submission error-free.
Submission of synopsis
- The candidate should submit a synopsis, which should be clear, concise, and comprehensive, and include the background, hypothesis, objectives, methods of conducting research, the major findings, and their impact.
- The results may be indicated quantitatively, and citations here are generally not required.
- The synopsis need not have diagrams, headings, or illustrations but only double-spaced text.
- Usually, the length of the synopsis is twenty pages and must not exceed the limit.
Post-synopsis preparation
- Once the synopsis is approved, the research scholar is convened for a pre-thesis or PhD presentation in the department, and it may be open to all the other research students as well as the faculty toreceive comments and feedback.
- After the completion of the pre-thesis presentation, the research scholar is asked to submit his thesis electronically in PDF format, which must include the seal and signature of the guide. The submission is not allowed through a pen-drive or email but only through a CD or DVD.
- The front side of the DVD or CD should include the name of the candidate, registration number, title, and batch with date and sign.
- Usually, the review process of the thesis takes about two to six months, and once it is considered well enough to award the PhD degree, the candidate should start preparing to defend the thesis orally before the department’s research committee.
Post viva-voce examination
- After defending the thesis successfully, two manual and hard-bound copies of the same in a specific color code must be submitted within fifteen days. It must also include the corrections made by the internal review committee and examiners.
- The research scholar must check the work through reputable plagiarism software and submit the certificate along with the thesis based on the format provided by the university. The university, in turn, will check the thesis for plagiarism, which is considered final and needs to go with the manual copies of the thesis.
- Proofreading the thesis is essential, and the content needs to be checked for plagiarism, repetition, mistakes, and doubt before submission.
- If mistakes are noted after the final submission of the thesis that are worth noting, the research scholar must submit fresh and hard-bound copies of the thesis again.
After the completion of the evaluation process, the PhD degree is announced. The research scholar then submits a soft copy of the thesis to the university within ten days.
- The PhD thesis must be prepared strictly according to the format provided by the concerned department of the university. If you don’t want to take a chance and avoid mistakes when writing the thesis, seek assistance from dissertation writing services in Delhi.
- The length of the thesis must not exceed 250 printed pages, and the number of references used must be less than 200.
- The final copy of the thesis must also be presented to the guide, co-guide, and the university library.

Things to know at a glance
Listed below are some quick tips that every candidate must keep in mind before the submission of their thesis:
- Don’t skip the acknowledgement
One page at the front of the manual thesis must be dedicated to acknowledging the contributions of friends, colleagues, and partners who have supported you throughout the journey. With this, the thesis gets a personal touch and reflects the work in a positive light.
- Check the requirements of the title page
There are specific requirements for what you should include or refrain from including on the title page. Check the spelling over and over again on the title page, as it usually has mistakes that may jeopardize the chances of obtaining the degree. Making mistakes gives a bad first impression, so proofreading the document is essential.
- Understand the printing requirements
The printing requirements of universities tend to differ. So, you need to find out whether your institute recommends the submission of the thesis electronically through CD or DVD, multiple hardbound copies, or both. The department’s regulations will have the regulations listed carefully.
- Check the document one last time
No matter how many times you check the document, mistakes are bound to be there. Finding typos in your work may be terribly disappointing for reviewers. You must check the entire document from cover to cover to ensure that there are no mistakes at all.
- Go through the images and graphs
When you change the formatting of your thesis, make sure to go through the images and graphs carefully so that they resonate with the text. The image must be appropriately labeled and easy to read. The quality of the printing must also be high.
Once you are through with the preparations for your thesis submission, it’s time to celebrate. For assistance in thesis writing and to ensure that it is picture-perfect and done according to the format, leave your worries to the experts at Decode DNA. Click here, to find out more about our PhD dissertation writing services.
- When should you submit the PhD thesis?
The approval time for a thesis is about three to six years. You need to register for the minimum period and submit your work at the earliest possible time following the end of the approval period.
- How can you finish your thesis quickly?
To finish thesis writing quickly, you need to present an established problem, follow the recommendations of the supervisor, and stick to deadlines.
- How many pages should a PhD thesis have?
The PhD thesis should not have more than 300 printed pages, along with a relevant conclusion.
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