A Detailed Analysis of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Online and In-Campus PhD Programmes

Online PhD vs. on-campus PhD

Pursuing a PhD course programme is a decision where commitment and dedication plays a vital role. Apart from this, careful planning and structured thoughts contribute to the success of the aspirants. Although PhD programmes are largely held in campuses but the rise of technology and the need for flexibility has forced many students to choose online programmes.

Many students struggle to decide whether an online or in-campus PhD program is the better choice. To weigh the pros and cons of both, aspirants must consider various factors before making a decision. The biggest difference between online and offline PhD programs lies in the time required for completion. However, choosing the right path requires careful thought and commitment to achieving success.

Full-time or in-campus PhD programmes: getting started with the basics

In a full-time PhD program, you visit the university every day. This setup provides more opportunities to deepen your understanding of the subject. Read below to explore its key components.

  • Research

A full-time PhD candidate spends a lot of time studying and researching for the thesis. They also find sources related to the coursework, conduct experiments, and complete other tasks.

  • Meetings

Hold regular meetings with your mentor or supervisor to discuss research and development progress, seek their insights, and receive valuable recommendations.

  • Prepare for the coursework

Another way to get into the PhD coursework is studying the techniques and methods of writing. If you are someone who is not good at writing, you must work hard to build your base and start preparing for thesis writing. However, hiring thesis writing services lets the students get away with one of the most daunting tasks of the coursework.

  • Dissertation writing

The dissertation or thesis culminates the research you conduct and may take about three years to complete.

  • Defending the thesis

Once you submit your thesis writing task, you will get a call to defend your arguments in front of an entire committee. Thereafter, they are going to decide whether your arguments are worthy enough vis-à-vis the writing task. If the work gets an approval from the evaluators, you can move ahead with publishing the final version of the thesis and obtain your degree.

What is the coursework in a full-time programme?

The nature of PhD programme changes according to the university and its guidelines but here is the generic version of what happens in a PhD programme:

  • In the first year of the PhD programme, you will have lots of academic work to handle along with the research techniques.
  • During the second year it’s all about research and development related to the thesis proposal
  • The dissertation writing forms the cornerstone of the third year of thesis writing and it is here that you will feel the biggest load. For biotech students, there may be additional pressure of laboratory or clinical work.
  • In the fourth year, only a few classes are held and you may spend most of the time writing and researching until the thesis writing task is complete. With medical writing services, it becomes easier to let go off the stress.

A full-time PhD programme may require a candidate to devote up to forty hours of work each week. While the first two years goes for attending the lectures, the rest of the time is spent in researching, thesis writing, and completing the rest of the obligations. All this may make you wonder Is an online PhD worth it?

Online PhD programme: things to know

Just like other fields of studies, online programmes are on the rise for PhD seekers as well. However, are online PhD programmes as rewarding as the full-time courses? Let’s take a close look at the advantages and disadvantages of the online PhD course programmes:


  • Affordable than full-time programmes

The tuition fees of online PhD programmes are usually more affordable compared to the in-campus programmes. Apart from this, there are no additional expenses for transport, meals, and housing as ne can study from the comfort of home. At the same time, it is highly flexible for candidates engaged in full-time jobs, so you need not give up your earning opportunities yet.

  • Shorter time frame

Online PhD coursework is an ideal option for those candidates who are keen to complete the coursework within a shorter time frame. Compared to the in-campus programmes that may take up to five years or more, the online programme can be completed much faster. This is because the candidates can make the most of their time and customise the studies to suit their requirements.

Disadvantages of online PhD

Just like the advantages of an online degree course, here are the cons of earning the PhD degree online:

  • No opportunity of interacting with supervisors

Based on the nature of the programme and the university you choose, the supervisors or peers may be located miles away with virtually no opportunity of face-to-face interaction. All you may have is virtual interaction through online platforms or stay in touch with them through conference calls. Remember that the supervisor plays a crucial role in shaping your career as well as the outcome of the thesis.

  • Online PhD is limited to specific fields

When it comes to online PhD vs. in-campus PhD, the former is limited to a few fields only. For biotechnology and other subjects in the science stream, you won’t be able to apply for an online course programme as most of them require clinical and laboratory studies. The online programme is mostly applicable for studies in the field of humanities.

  • No network or collaboration

One of the most significant aspects of an in- campus PhD programme is networking and collaborating with professors, peers and research teams, which is truly valuable and count towards shaping your career. Online miss these collaborations and work independently most of the times. Although there are several digital platforms that students can access for virtual interaction, they are hardly comparable to live interactions in the university.

  • Limited access to academic resources

As far as accessing the resources is concerned, those enroling in online PhD programmes will only have access to journals and digital libraries compared to offline candidates who receive extensive academic support through advisors, faculties, and other forms of resources.

A full-time PhD programmes is suitable for those who do not have a full-time job, have a sound financial support, have the mindset to attend classes and laboratory sessions, and is able to dedicate up to forty hours for attending university classes each week. On the other hand, the online PhD programme is more suitable for candidates who prefer flexibility in the coursework, minimum disruptions to other commitments of life and can spend only up to 20 hours each week.

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  • Which fields of PhD are mostly in demand?

The most demanding fields in which students apply for PhD are engineering, computer science, medicine, biotechnology, and literature.

  • Is online PhD recognised in India?

No, online PhD coursework is not recognized by AICTE or UGC in India and both only approve the conservative and in-campus programmes. However, it may be recognised by a foreign university.

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