Pursuing the PhD programme is no easy task, as it demands your intellectual abilities on the one hand and how well you can research and write the dissertation. You have to remind yourself all the way that one mistake can bring a big blemish on your years of hard work. To make sure that your dissertation writing is fully up to the mark, you need to identify the common pitfalls that usually happen in the writing process.
Searching for dissertation topics in biotechnology as well as putting your research together when embarking on the monumental writing task is indeed a great endeavour. You need careful preparation, attention to detail, and a huge level of commitment to meet your needs.
As you embark on the enormous task of writing a dissertation, here are the commonest mistakes to avoid making your journey successful all the way:
1. Absence of preliminary pages
The preliminary pages refer to all those pages that you write before starting with the main text. Candidates often ignore the significance of these pages without realising that they set the stage for the entire dissertation. The truth is that the reviewers are going to take a look at these pages first before moving on to the main text. So, make sure to not only format these pages correctly but also place them in the correct order to avoid rejection.
2. Long abstract
If you are already researching some exciting topics and ready to share with the world, be sure to make the abstract not longer than one page. Writing more than usual may again make it difficult to summarise the entire thing in one go. It is the art of summarising the research and making it of the desired length that requires writing skills. That is whymore and more candidates look for reliable dissertation writing services in Delhi,where an entire team of scientific writing specialists can ease your burden and complete the writing task faster and more seamlessly. Ideally, the abstract should be only one page long.
3. Lack of original work
Well, dissertation writing demonstrates your ability to pen original work based on a topic. The writing task needs to have new insights, and not meeting this criterion may not be considered original work. If you publish something about which sufficient research exists, your work will lack originality and fail to reveal new perspectives andfindings. Keep in mind that more leverage goes to those with authentic publications.
4. Badly structured writing task
Even if you have a lot of good things in your research paper but it is not properly structured, your work can be termed as incoherent. Any dissertation that does not have a proper structure makes the reader feel confused. Ideally, you need to have a framework from the start and ensure that each chapter of the thesis has a logical flow.
5.Improper literature review
The literature review is one of the most important elements of your research, so things may go wrong when you rely on sources that are not relevant, fail to analyse the literature critically, or do not consider seminal work in your field.
6.Mistakes in the language
Mistakes related to the language comprise one of the most common mistakes that PhD candidates often make. It’s a long piece of writing, so you might just make typographical, syntactical, and grammatical errors. A good way to overcome these mistakes would be to rely on a dissertation writing service and let them easily handle the entire work. They are professional service providers who would gladly agree to work and avoid mistakes that you may make.
7. Poor methodology
The methodology of research determines the validity of the outcome. Some of the mistakes candidates tend to make here are choosing an inappropriate method forthe research question, failing to include adequate detail, and overlooking the ethical part of the content. You need to carefully create the research outline to make your work look more credible.
8. Incoherent definitions and objectives
Lack of clarity and preciseness in research objectives is a key to completing the thesis. If you make mistakes in these areas, it may jeopardize the purpose of the research. So, you need to define the objectives to allow the narrative to work in the right manner.
9. Not managing the time properly
Time is of the essence when you are trying to write PhD dissertation. It is a long tenure during which setting the right priorities may be difficult. First, you have to choose one from several dissertation topics for PhD and then you need to pay attention to the time.
However, you can stick to the purpose of the research when you create a realistic timeline, implement the most effective techniques, break down the entire project into smaller and time-based tasks that look more achievable, and adopt a flexible approach when dealing with unforeseen challenges.
10 Failing to choose a suitable topic
The research topic you choose is another key aspect of attaining success when writing the dissertation. So, you must avoid choosing topics for which only limited research is available or those that lack depth and are not that desirable.
11. Inappropriate conclusion
Candidates writing PhD dissertations often feel frustrated and lack the zeal to make the work more accomplished, leading to poorly written conclusions. A good conclusion gives a new face to your research, so do not create a summary of the research intent when completing the writing task. With a gripping conclusion, you can easily grab the attention of the reader.
So, if you are having trouble churning out a dissertation that is devoid of errors, collaborate with Decode DNA, one of the most reputed dissertation writing services in Delhi that guarantees flawless work that is devoid of errors and ready for submission.
- Which is the most difficult part of writing the dissertation?
Although perspectives may differ the most difficult part of writing the dissertation is a literature review, which often makes candidates feel lost.
- How much time does it take to write the first draft of a dissertation?
It may take about two to three months to complete the first draft of the dissertation.