A Practical Guide to Discover Compelling Dissertation Topics

dissertation topics for PhD

If you are reading this practical guide, chances are that you have already started searching for dissertation topics for PhD. Unfortunately, most candidates face major hurdles when choosing the right topic for their thesis, primarily because it is not as easy as they think. The idea of selecting a topic is to shed light on real-world research that deals with problems in your field of interest.

You are aware that selecting the right research topic for a dissertation is a crucial step. Keep in mind that you need to dedicate a lot of effort and time to excavating what you call the perfect topic for a dissertation. With the right attitude and patience, you will find it easy to choose the right research topic for your PhD program. Here is how to get the perfect research topic for your dissertation:

Check the requirements of the programme

The first step you need to take is to explore the requirements of the PhD program. That way, you will gain an understanding of the scope of your research. You can use the following aspects:

  • What is the maximum length of the research likely to be?
  • How would you orient the research, academically or professionally?
  • Is there a specific methodology you need to follow for the research?
  • What is the deadline for the submission of the thesis?

The program requirements for a PhD vary from one university to another. So, you might get an exhaustive list of topics offered by the university or writing approaches. To manage the research and writing tasks effectively, dissertation writing services come in handy. This way, you can eliminate your efforts and focus on other aspects of the PhD program.

Get familiar with the research process

Although it may sound genuinely terrible, one of the most annoying mistakes candidates make is moving past the basics to the stage of ideation. Every candidate needs to understand the research process thoroughly, and the first step toward it is exploring the instructions handed over to you by the university. Wondering what the reasons are for getting familiar with the methodology of research? Unless you know what the process is all about, you won’t know the method of research or have a thought process related to it, which will eventually delay the submission.

Think about it. The university where you need to enrol for the PhD program will also have specific requirements you need to comply with in terms of ethical and data requirements, the originality of the topic, the word count, and the methodology. At the outset, you must follow them carefully or end up choosing irrelevant topics and ideas.

Review the past dissertations

Has the research topic you are planning to work on never been touched before? A majority of students prefer to build up on the existing research, and for that, checking the previous dissertations makes real sense. It will help you orient your thoughts and allow you to begin the research process with a definite approach. However, when checking past work, you must look for well-graded ones available in the university’s library to understand what good research looks like. Moreover, you will also understand how to structure and format the research paper. 

Skim through books and articles

Choosing a broad field of research is what you need to begin with, and then you can move on to books, journals, and articles that would help you put things in perspective. When skimming through the sources, narrow down the list of topics. You might get a clue as to how you can broaden those topics into a dissertation. Wondering if there is an alternative way to skip so many hassles? Connect with a PhD dissertation writing service and skip the humongous efforts when penning the work.

Understand the viability of the topic

One of the most crucial questions you need to ask yourself is whether the topic is viable or not. Here, you need to focus on the following areas:

  • What are the resources and equipment needed to complete the research?
  • What is the funding amount for the project and the time you need to devote for this purpose?
  • Is there adequate data available for writing the dissertation?
  • Does the topic align with the PhD course program?

Get your facts right and step closer to writing the dissertation your way.

Is the research topic original and relevant?

The best research topics are those that are not only original but relevant as well. Try to stay away from outdated topics about which other scholars have written so many times and prepare to make an original contribution. So, explore new contexts or address current trends and issues through the research question.

Develop the research question

Develop a research question and go on to formulate a clear and concise hypothesis to guide you through the writing process. Thereafter, you need to answer this question and explain the methods you are planning to use to accomplish the writing process.

Is the topic credible?

Don’t just decide on the topic as soon as something sparks your curiosity; think about the length of the dissertation. Don’t skip the time frame needed to complete the dissertation and practical aspects before you submit the work. Furthermore, you need to calculate the literature available on the topic; if there is too much information to explore, try to zero in on the most important points. Will you have enough time to gather the data needed to complete the dissertation? In the absence of adequate data, you need to broaden your focus. Finally, the topic needs to hold the interest of the reader, so ensure that you pick a research topic that makes you feel enthusiastic throughout the length of the writing.

Choosing the right research topic impacts the entire journey of writing the dissertation. You need to spend adequate time exploring different areas of your interest and getting inspiration from previous and existing sources. However, if you think it is a bit too much for you to handle and need an expert’s guidance, reach out to Decode DNA, a renowned thesis writing service with an excellent track record of assisting thousands of other candidates. Connect with us here: https://decodedna.in/ and breathe life into your dissertation writing.


You can share the proposed topic with the faculty and peers, submit a formal proposal outlining your research question and methodology, and ensure the university’s guidelines and obtain necessary approval.

To be well-accepted by the reviewers, the research topic needs to be academically, socially, and practically relevant.

Writing and completing a dissertation requires time and effort, but when you seek assistance from experts, you can encounter the challenges of writing, editing, and formatting the research paper.

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