How to Choose Cutting-Edge Research Topics for Doctoral Studies?

PhD research topics in business management

For most PhD aspirants, embarking on the journey of research involves some joyous moments and humongous challenges. Among the things that every doctoral candidate needs to consider, one of the most crucial aspects is how to select a PhD research topic. There are two ways to look at it. While one way is to make discoveries during research progress and another way is to build on the existing research topics.

Which one do you think is more appropriate for a PhD research scholar? Well, you can keep looking for cutting-edge research topics until you are fully satisfied. In the meantime, let us delve into the tactics that one needs to implement for thesis writing.

How to navigate research topics for PhD?

As a PhD researcher, here are the ways to navigate PhD topic selection:

  • Focus on the area of research

Ever wondered which topics and questions intrigue your mind in the area of your research? Once you zero in on them, you are surely going to find a topic that interests you and has the potential to contribute to the field of research. Doctoral candidates may also engage with subjects that appeal to their minds and are genuinely captivating, leading to personal satisfaction and academic fulfilment. Apart from this, one needs to take time to evaluate the trending research areas in the specific field.

  • Analysing the resources

How viable is the chosen topic? Find out if there are adequate tools, data, and resources available to aid your research. Moreover, you should have good access to those resources, and the topic for the dissertation blends well with your financial capabilities and academic goals.

  • Explore the literature in your chosen field of study

To complete the doctoral degree in your chosen field, you need to refer to the literature and PhD research methodology question paper. Don’t miss an elaborate research to spot the gaps, controversies, and unexplored research areas. That way, you will come across valuable insights into the potential areas of research.

  • Get guidance from your supervisor

When conducting doctoral research, you are not going to be alone. With experienced supervisors and mentors to guide you through the process, you will find it much easier to choose the topic. Also, guidance from experts can help you prevent potential pitfalls and stay on track when it comes to thesis writing.

PhD in Biotechnology: A Sneak Peek into the Research Topics

When aspirants are keen to conduct biotechnology research, the scope is immense. Over the years, research has brought big changes in this field and has benefited mankind in more ways than one. Generally, it takes about three to five years to complete thesis writing in this field. However, the candidates taking the plunge must be familiar with the research methodology, the latest trends in this field, and more about scientific communication. Here are a few trends that doctoral students may leverage in choosing topics for their thesis:

  • Vaccine development, which according to several PhD researchers can change the way infectious diseases like HIV and flu.
  • Therapeutics based on RNA like CAR T cells can be used for treating diseases
  • Studying the nature of viruses causing respiratory problems and how better prevention and treatments may help improve the situation.
  • Role of metabolism in cancer and uncovering new prevention and treatment approaches to come out of this specific illness.

PhD in Bioinformatics: New Age Revolution in Research

In recent times, we have come across massive advancements in the field of biological research, and a significant interest has been noted among PhD aspirants for obtaining a doctoral degree in bioinformatics. Aspirants who are keen to advance their career in this field should explore the trends in this field and the broad-spectrum topics for attaining success. The most demanding for writing a thesis on bioinformatics are:

  • Functional genomics
  • Evolutionary studies
  • Metabolomics
  • Transcriptomics and proteomics
  • Neural networks
  • RNA-seq analysis
  • Mathematical modelling
  • Drug discovery
  • Biological image processing

PhD research topics on computer science – touching down the world of innovation

Pursuing doctoral studies in Computer Science makes you something more than just following trends, developing algorithms, and writing codes. That is why you need to keep in mind that you are now the frontrunner of innovation and free to explore topics on modern trends related to your area of interest and research.

You must delve deep into the topics in Computer Science that spark interest like a theory, an algorithm, and pursuing technological innovation. Typically, pursuing PhD in Computer Science is a research-intensive area that entails every individual conducting deep scientific research to shape future technologies. Here are some of the interesting PhD research topics in Computer Science:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Computer engineering
  • Cloud computing
  • Cyber security
  • Robotics
  • Machine learning
  • Quantum computing

PhD research topics in Commerce: embarking on the business area

A PhD degree in Commerce is different than the rest of the doctoral programmes due to intense requirements. However, it is an excellent idea to embark on this field for career advancement and gain leading positions in those organisations where you may work with clients directly. The area of specialisation and the research topics in Commerce for PhD include:

  • Management
  • Business administration
  • Economics
  • Finance
  • Marketing
  • Entrepreneurial skills for small business
  • Policy and procedures of foreign trade
  • Sustainable development of products
  • Economic analysis
  • Empowerment of employees
  • International banking and trade
  • Banking
  • Insurance
  • Family business
  • Global financial system and risk management
  • Financial economics

PhD research topics in Business management: what aspirants need to know?

Pursuing a doctoral degree in Business Management instils advanced knowledge of how businesses need to operate successfully. It also fosters the ability of students to dive into modern-day business problems through research-intensive thesis writing. Furthermore, it also helps develop a multitude of skills like decision-making, leadership, conflict resolution, and negotiation. Some of the core PhD research topics in business management include the following:

  • Evolving areas of marketing and finance
  • Understanding corporate strategies and policies
  • Supply chain management
  • Human resource
  • Information systems
  • Social entrepreneurship
  • Corporate ethics and responsibility

Every individual embarking on the field of doctoral studies is sure to find topic selection daunting. However, the topic gradually evolves during the study.  No matter what the topic is and the nature of your study for PhD, the ultimate goal is to develop extensive knowledge and understanding and make significant contributions through research and argumentative skills. The guide above will help you traverse through several topics in different fields of research. For any kind of assistance in scientific thesis writing, we at Decode DNA are the writing agency, helping students excel in their careers and achieving academic milestones. Explore here for more information.


  • How to determine the relevance of a PhD topic?

You need to consider your interests and the scope of contribution in the field of research to determine the relevance of the topic.

  • What makes a topic worthy of research?

The topic must meet the requirements of your assignment: it needs to spark interest, and finally, the scope of research it offers.

2 thoughts on “How to Choose Cutting-Edge Research Topics for Doctoral Studies?

  1. Pingback: Case Study in PhD Program: A Practical Approach

  2. Pingback: PhD Vs Fellowship: Key Differences & Career Considerations

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