Reasons for the Growing Demand for PhD Degrees in India

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Obtaining a PhD degree in India is like embarking on the road to academic excellence. Not only does this degree allow a person to use “Dr.” as the prefix, but it also makes the aspirants immerse in a sea of knowledge. It is also the highest academic degree in the country. If you are keen to look forward to enrolling in a PhD programand are confused about making the right decision, find out the reasons why academic enthusiasts are keen to take up this research degree. However, before that, we need to dive into what the PhD degree is all about.

What is a PhD degree?

The PhD is an academic degree that is awarded to individuals by universities. Here is a quick glimpse of the essential components of this degree:

  • PhD is the highest degree level of academic degree in India.
  • The basic requirement for obtaining the degree is completing the original research project, also called thesis or dissertation writing.
  • The research that the candidates conduct is slated to make a remarkable contribution to the existing body of research in a specific field.
  • The thesis writing is one of the most important elements of the research and includes a written document containing the findings of the research, the methodologies, and an analysisof the topic with a scholarly approach and in a comprehensive manner.
  • The PhD program also comprises seminars, coursework, and examinations that ensure that the candidates pursuing it have an in-depth understanding and knowledge of theories and research in this field.
  • The structure and requirements of the PhD degree may vary across different fields and institutions.
  • The candidates pursuing research for a PhD receive mentoring and guidance throughout the academic journey.
  • The length of the PhD program usually varies and may take up to five years or more of full-time studies.
  • For PhD admissions, a candidate must complete a bachelor’s or master’s degree in the relevant discipline with 55% marks or an equivalent grade.

Reasons for the growing demand for PhDs in India

What are the factors that led to the growing demand for PhD degrees in India? Whether it is the keenness for research or the passion to have a rewarding academic journey, here is why more and more students are ready to pursue a career in this field:

  • Advancing the existing knowledge

When pursuing a PhD degree program, every candidate needs to consider thorough research and investigation. It leads to the development of new theories, insights, and discoveries. The graduates and postgraduates need to expand their knowledge base in different fields and become experts.

Usually, candidates writing a thesis explore unanswered questions and research to find more appropriate answers and challenge age-old assumptions. Naturally, the contributions that PhD candidates make leave a meaningful impact in the relevant discipline.

  • Attaining expertise

Among the other factors that brought the PhD program into the limelight are the quest for knowledge and the opportunity to attain expertise. The candidates pursuing the degree program aim to dive into knowledge at a deeper level and develop a detailed understanding of the subject matter.

It is not just one of those study courses or programs where all a student needs is to pass an examination. Instead, PhD aspirants gain in-depth knowledge through thesis writing that leads to the development of new insights. Candidates aim to view things from a different perspective during thesis writing. Due to the availability of PhD assistance in India, candidates can balance their academic prospects while completing the degree.

  • Passion for teaching

One of the reasons why a majority of students flock to pursue the PhD course program is that it offers a flurry of opportunities to teach in India as well as in foreign universities. While pursuing dissertation writing, they gain expertise on the subject as well as teaching and presentation skills that are needed for the teaching career. If you are a passionate learner and want to impart knowledge to others, you can boost your career prospects with a PhD degree course.

  • Varied career opportunities

Not only teaching, but candidates pursuing the PhD program can explore other career avenues, like working in the policy-making segments of the government of India. Apart from this, they may get favourableopportunities like rural development, international relations, transportation, scientific research, and the military. Candidates also become research scientists in this field with a PhD degree. Naturally, with so many career options, any student would be keen to take up a PhD course program.

  • Explore your passion for a subject

Another enthralling reason why a candidate would love to pursue a PhD degree program is the immense pleasure it offers to study a subject indepth. The clue to successful PhD degree completion is conducting deeper research. If you have a passion for expanding your understanding of the subject and need to fulfil your quest for research, you will love writing a dissertation in a relevant discipline.

However, many times candidates fail to stay on track with the completion deadlines of the degree. They might also encounter problems as universities impose guidelines to comply with when completing the research. For them, a professional thesis-writing service offers good help.

  • Personal development

If you thought that conducting research for a PhD was only about pursuing academics, you are wrong. The course program goes beyond the scope of academics and helps develop problem-solving, time management, and critical thinking skills. The things you learn during thesis writing stay for life and nurture your intellectual growth. It also helps broaden the perspective of thinking. The doctoral journey is compliant with several presentations, which improve communication skills.

  • Contributing to the society

When one decides to pursue a PhD degree, it is also a way of contributing to society. No matter what role they play eventually, they gain expertise to address real-world problems and find the most appropriate solutions to them. Based on the subject they research; they are the ones to revolutionize different industries today.

Ever wondered how the groundbreaking discoveries that candidates with PhD degrees conduct also benefit society immensely? If that is no reason enough to understand why the demand for obtaining a PhD degree is on the rise. At Decode DNA, we offer PhD assistance in India and help candidates kick-start their careers. To learn more about our writing services, click here: right away.


  • Why are people in India keen to obtain a PhD degree?

A PhD degree opens varied career opportunities, makes the candidate more respectable in society, and helps in personal development.

  • Why does PhD completion take so long in India?

It depends on the supervisor’s take. While some of them are good with three-year completion, many of them are keen to prolong it to five years and beyond.

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